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Agency Information HIPAA Overview

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law enacted by Congress (Kennedy/Kassebaum bill - 1996) for health care reform.
  • It impacts everyone who receives medical services or has health insurance.
  • HIPAA is intended to decrease the costs of health care and protect the privacy and security of our individually identifiable health information. 
  • HIPAA is much more than an internal agency issue. There are legal, regulatory, policy, process, privacy, security, audit, technology and training aspects that must be carefully evaluated for good faith efforts with its partners for ongoing HIPAA compliance.


Our employees know about HIPAA and how it affects work within the agency, with our community partners, and with other government entities.

We hope this page provides useful information and references for you as either a customer or partner.



HIPAA Training Information

Individuals have a right to know how DCF will use and disclose their Protected Health Information (PHI). Read the DCF Notice of Privacy Practices.
If you have questions about HIPAA, please contact the agency at (785) 296-4687.